Ignite your spark: Paris 2018


We wish for you to stoke the collective fires of your creativity. To do so you need to ignite your spark, thus this is the theme we chose. This is the main theme and driving force behind our plans for the fieldtrip. When doing research into Disney and imagineering we realised that everything begins with a spark - every idea, every friendship, every relationship, for example.

However, as students and human beings this spark can go up and sometimes you feel like you are not motivated, inspired, or in balance! Therefore, we connected this to the four elements.

Those elements are earth, water, air and fire, earth symbolizes the new beginning, it is the first day of our trip when we are starting the adventure. Our second day has the theme of water. For us water stands for finding our own way. As well as water is not always following the big river, but takes its own stream, we have to learn finding our own way, regardless the obstacles that might occur. The Wednesday is themed as air. We are going to Disneyland, which we will see from all kinds of different perspectives. We will explore it from our students perspective, with the knowledge we already gained, but at the same time we are travelling back to our childhood and dive into the magic. On Thursday of our trip we are all together celebrating our spark in Disneyland under the theme of fire. Friday is the day of reflection there we can think about all four elements and discover the best way to balance them for ourselves which h then can help to ignite your spark

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